Reinis SējānsCROW
Large hall
A Flight in One ActPirmizrāde drīzumā
Duration - 1h 20min
The collaboration between musician and composer Reinis Sējāns and leading soloist and choreographer of the Latvian National Ballet, Elza Leimane, “CROW. A FLIGHT IN ONE ACT”, will be performed at the Dailes Theater with symphonic grandeur. It is a story about a person – not a crow – about a human’s inner struggle, about the ugly in the beautiful and the beautiful in the ugly, about approaching the dangerous and rediscovering oneself. The crow, as a symbol, being an exceptionally intellectually sophisticated and beautiful bird, helps to tell this story in such a way that everyone can see themselves in it.
"Embodying the crow, bringing it to life through movement, and exploring the possibilities offered by this character brings me great creative joy and genuine inspiration," says dancer and choreographer Elza Leimane.
Programme: Reinis Sējāns (1984) “Crow. A Flight in One Act”
Reinis Sējāns, Elza Leimane
State Chamber Orchestra “Sinfonietta Riga”, conductor – Kaspars Ādamsons
Maija Sējāne, Anrijs Grinbergs
Leading ballet soloists of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet:
Aeden William Conefrey, Darius Florian Catană, Robert Nae, Finnian Patrick Hepting
Libretto by Lāsma Olte, director – Uģis Olte, composer – Reinis Sējāns, costumes – Madara Botmane, art – Kristaps Epners, orchestration – Andris Sējāns, choreography – Elza Leimane, choreography assistant – Dmitrijs Gaitjukevičs, makeup – Līva Drešere
- Reinis Sējāns, Elza Leimane, Valsts kamerorķestris “Sinfonietta Rīga”, Maija Sējāne, Anrijs Grinbergs, Kristaps Jaunžeikars, Dariuss Florians Katana, Roberts Naje, Finians Patriks Heptings
Production team
- Libretto
- Lāsma Olte
- Composer
- Reinis Sējāns
- Director Of The Original Performance
- Uģis Olte
- Costumes
- Madara Botmane
- Art
- Lāsma Olte, Kristaps Epners
- Lighting Scenography
- Ainārs Pastars
- Orchestration
- Andris Sējāns
- Choreography
- Elza Leimane
- “Sinfonietta Rīga” conductor
- Kaspars Ādamsons
- Choreography assistant
- Dmitrijs Gaitjukevičs
- Makeup
- Līva Drešere